Here is a practical step by step guide from Clearanceco on how to deal with an estate when
someone dies. This guide is particularly helpful for executors.
- Register the Death: Register the death at the local register office within five days. You’ll
receive a death certificate and the certificate for burial or cremation. - Tell Government About the Death: You can use the governments tell us once service to
notify relevant departments. You will also need to tell banks, utility companies etc. - Arrange the Funeral: In line with the wishes of the deceased and instructions in the will.
Note: The deceased may have had a funeral plan - Secure the deceased assets: Ensure the deceased’s property is secure, including homes,
vehicles, and personal belongings. - Value the estate: list all assets, debts and obtain valuations
- Apply for probate (if required): The role of executor is lifelong and carries legal
obligations. You should consider instructing a legal professional if you’re not up for
taking on this role. - Realise the Assets: With the grant of probate in hand you can begin realising assets such
as bank accounts, shares etc - Settle Debts: The funeral expense and debts are the first to be dealt with before any
gifts in the will. - Distribute in accordance with the Will: Following the instructions in the will you are
now in a position to distribute to the beneficiaries. Ensure you obtain receipts and
maintain estate accounts.
The above is a rough outline on some of the integral steps one would take in dealing with an
estate. It is advisable to seek professional help from a reputable probate professional or firm if you are unsure.